Return, Refund & Shipping Policy

For damaged/ defective items, the Company will issue a refund if the item cannot be repaired or replaced.
In any case where a refund is required, the Company needs to authorise that refund. Accounting team can assist in facilitating refunds for you only when the Company notifies us of the receipt of the item. Once the seller notifies us of the receipt of the return item, the above refund time period (10-15 working days) will apply for processing refunds.
If the product is damaged by the customer then the refund cannot be issued as it is not the companies fault.

Shipping cost – Free over order of 1000 Order

processing time – 3-4 Working days

Shipping Carriers and Methods – Third party Courier

speed- 2-3 Working days

Approach to handling delays – We usually don’t have delays in order but if we do we can take care of the concern as soon as possible comes with a solution If the items arrived damaged we will send a replacement as soon as possible

How to handle returns and cancelations- Book a pick up from your place and we will take care of the rest

Payment Terms

The payment by the customer should be made by an online portal like (UPI, Gpay & etc)
COD is also available but may be charged extra for a few products
Product will be dispatched after the payment is made.